CDA Votes To Approve Draft Constitution Despite Protests

Although there remains some confusion around exactly what happened in Bayda on 29 and 30 July, reports indicate that on 29 July the Constitution Drafting Committee (CDA) in Bayda voted to approve the latest draft of the constitution  by 43 out of 44 votes (though the voting figures vary depending on sources). However, amid reports of protesters breaking into the CDA building, the CDA president Nouh Abdul Saied Abdulallah apparently  recalled members for a second vote on the draft on 30 July. According to an article in the Libya Herald on 29 July:

The key issue over which the Assembly has long been at odds is Article 110 of the draft and three clauses which set out the eligibility of presidential candidates. Section 2 of the article stipulates that no one can stand for the office if they have held dual nationality within the previous five years. Likewise, Section 8 says that no military rank can have been held by a candidate within the previous year and Section 9 insists that nobody can run for president if they have not lived in Libya for the previous ten years.It is unclear if this is the provision over which CDA president Nouh Abdul Saied Abdulallah has recalled members tomorrow. In a brief note this evening, Abdulallah said that he was calling for the vote to be taken again “because of popular demand”. He told members to be back at the old parliament building in Beida at 10 am sharp and warned that those who did not come would be subject to penalties.