Congress Rejects New Libya Government

Libya is still without a new government nearly three months after the July 7 Genearal National Congress elections. Prime Minister-elect Mustafa Abushagur withdrew his entire cabinet list on Thursday after facing massive opposition from GNC members and from the Zawian protestors who stormed the GNC meeting hall in the middle of debate on the cabinet. Libya needs to have a new cabinet to get down to the business of running the country and to restore confidence in the July 7th electoral process which had the formation of a new government as one of its goals. You can see more on this story from - Congress Rejects New Libya Government.In response to protests, Libyan Prime Minister Mustafa Abushagur withdrew Thursday (October 4th) the government he proposed to the General National Congress for approval.   Abushagur has until Sunday (October 7th) to submit a new list in the wake of protests.