Donald Trump: Welfare Queen of the Rigged Economy

Trump claims that the US economy is rigged against the white working class and that he as a Washington-outsider can fix it all. But what few people have pointed out about Trump is that the two industries that have catapulted him to fame and fortune (Real Estate and Casinos) have two of the most powerful and covert lobbying efforts in DC and he has been an active participant in such lobbying.  Study of Trump's interaction with the brick and mortar casino industry reveals to whom he is really beholden and what his core business practices reveal about his worldview.  In this long awaited foray into electoral politics, Libya-Analysis is happy to publish a synopsis of months of research, to endorse Hillary Clinton for President and point out how Trump would likely govern.

While it is an open secret that the US government is in cahoots with big pharma, big oil, and the big banks - who use their influence to make sure new laws don't disrupt shareholders' bottom lines - their colleagues in the gambling lobby often slip under the radar... Trump's lifelong connections to the gaming industry and the sway it has given him in state capitols reveal both to whom he is indebted and what core values define his business practices...In short, over the decades, Trump has been the brazen bully of a monopolistic cartel, winning the plaudits of the likes of Sheldon Adelson. So what do Trump's competition-suppressing practices in Atlantic City tell us? They certainly shed light on why he believes the US is getting "screwed on trade" - and that making "America Great Again" necessitates high tariffs on the Chinese. He sees America's prosperity as akin to a gambling cartel's monopoly - upheld via restricting access. Trump also preaches another philosophy that derives from the milieu of the casino: the worldview that one is either a winner or a loser....Trump doesn't see an interconnected world characterised by trust and win-win relationships, he sees diplomacy as akin to the avarice and zero-sum logic of the gaming tables.

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