Haftar's Most Irregular Army

In his latest research paper, published with the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP, the German Institute for International and Security Affairs) Research Division Middle East (WP NR.02, November 2020), Wolfram Lacher focuses on analysing General Haftar’s rise to power in the post-2011 Libyan context. In this research, Lacher details the pillars of Haftar's power structure which have allowed him to pursue his security and political objectives to this date, and despite major blowbacks :

In post-Qadhafi Libya’s fragmented security landscape, Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan Arab Armed Forces (LAAF, also called Libyan National Army or LNA) stand out as the only faction that successfully consolidated power at the subnational level. Haftar started out with a loose alliance of armed groups in 2014, but warded off successive challenges from within his coalition and gradually centralized authority. 

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