Is Tripoli Witnessing A Civil War between Misrata and Zintan or is this a minor clash between rogue brigades?

Tripoli is bracing itself for a major showdown between the capital's major factions  as the long anticipated fight between the Misratans and Zintanis based in Tripoli may finally have begun. It is noteworthy to point out that brigade commanders are battling it out -- not as the media represents, the Zintani and Misratan political leadership who apparently do not endorse the fighting and are seeking to end it. Jomana Karadsheh and Ashley Fantz speak in great detail about the clashes that took place in this CNN article.Fighting has already erupted in the capital with certain rogue Misratan brigades trying to force the Zintanis out of Tripoli International Airport in the name of 'securing the capital'. Various Islamist brigades from Tripoli and further afield have lined up behind the activist Misratan units in a bid to oust the Zintani forces and it looks as though the Zintanis are about to get back up from other non-Islamist brigades, including the Warshefana.The situation is extremely tense and local residents are fearing the worst. Ironically, this outbreak of fighting was only initiated after the betrayal of an agreement struck on the night of the July 12 which was meant to facilitate the impasse. At the July 12 meeting the major respected political actors of Misrata and Zintan pledged themselves to avoiding conflict.  It appears that a former militia leader and Misratan congressmen, led the offensive against the Zintani militias in a bid to retake the airport directly-- overtly disobeying orders from other top Misratans.