Libya Leads World in Traffic Deaths Per Capita

This saddening statistic captures the mood of political and personal recklessness and abandon which prevails in today's Libya and was nurtured by both the Italians and Qadhafi.  It is interesting to note that two former Italian colonies, Eritrea and Libya, are the two most dangerous places to drive in the World! As Italy had so few colonies this doesn't seem like a coincidence but rather a causal relationship.  Read the full article here.

It gives Libya a road traffic fatality rate of 60.1 fatalities per 100,000 population (on a population of six million), the highest figure of any country in the world. The next most dangerous place to drive in the world, according to the World Health Organisation, is Eritrea, with a fatality rate of 48.4.The 2013 rate for Italy is 7.2, France 6.4, Germany 4.4, the UK 2.75 and US 10.4 — meaning that someone is more than eight times more likely to be killed in a traffic accident in Libya than in Italy and 22 times than in the UK..... The soaring rate is attributed by many to young reckless drivers now ignoring traffic regulations in the absence of traffic police to enforce them. However, Libya was already one of the most dangerous places in the world to drive under Qaddafi.  Libya’s rate just before the revolution was 40.5  —  making it at the time the third most dangerous place on earth to drive.