Libya Must Bring Militias into the Fold

LIBYA MUST BRING MILITIAS INTO THE FOLD: My humourous article in the Australian about the Zintani militias.WITH the capture of Saif al-Islam Gaddafi on Sunday near the southwestern Libyan town of Awbari by militiamen loyal to the Zintan Military Council, and his transport northwards, Zintan has achieved international stardom. The neighbouring towns of  Rajban and Yafran have every right to be jealous. They too could have been catapulted on to the world stage, aided by their easy to-pronounce Berber names.The appointment of a new interim NTC cabinet this week is the right opportunity to jump-start the detente between the militias and the central authorities. The next step will be folding all of the militias into a new national army and police force. Giving them fancy unit names such as the Revolutionary Platoon of Jadu, the Misratah Martyrs Brigade, the Zintani Scourge of Saif, and the Zwaran Zombie Strike Force might help.