Prospects for Ending the Civil War in Libya

On 9 March, the Atlantic Council's Rafik Hariri centre hosted a panel entitled 'Prospects for Ending the Civil War in Libya'. The speakers included Jason Pack, Ambassador Jonathan Winer, former US Special Envoy for Libya, Ms. Nebras Attia,  Ms. Azza Maghur, and Dr. Federica Saini Fasanotti. Introductory remarks were made by Ambassador Frederic Hof and the panel was moderated by Dr. Karim Mezran.To watch Jason Pack speak, go to 28.20 and 1.08.10, 1.18.25, 1.26.25, and 1.36.35. To watch Jonathan Winer go to 10.00, 36.00 and 1.19.50, 1.32.15, and 1.44.15.