Year After Gaddafi Death Libya Confronts Successes and Failures

Year After Gaddafi Death Libya Confronts Successes and Failures a succinct summary of the main issues from Leela Jacinto of France 24.In the long term though, the solution lies in disbanding the militias and putting together a professional national army. But that, notes Pack, is easier said than done, given the political hurdles facing the nation. In the three months since the national assembly election, two new prime ministers have been appointed, neither of which has been able to present a cabinet list that satisfied legislators. “Even if the politicians want to crack down on the militias, they can’t do that because they need a cabinet and bureaucracy first," explained Pack.In a country that moved from colonialism to monarchy to dictatorship, democracy is a new phenomenon, and Libyans are slowly learning the ropes – some would say too slowly. “Some Libyan intellectuals understand that it’s a win-together or lose-together situation,” said Pack. “But the politicians aren’t acting that way.”