Why Scottish Independence is Bad for Libya

The reality is that Scottish Independence would be bad for the Scots and certainly for all nations who benefit from having a strong United Kingdom which is able to act swiftly and functionally.  Hence I wrote an article in the LA TIMES putting for the security implications of a Scottish secession from the UK. You can read it here.  I can sympathize with many of the Scots grievances towards Westminster, yet these should be able to be reasonably alleviated without resorting to the drastic step of independence.  The answer has to be greater devolution to deal with the Scots legitimate demands for different local and regional governance. This will mean making scotland more like a US state and less like a French department... and things have been happening in this way for decades now but more devolution or what is called Devo-Max will happen and are being promised to the Scots if they vote no by Cameron and Milliband.  I think this will cause a chain effect causing Wales and North Ireland to also get devo max and this will mean the UK will be more a collection of four states than a unitary state... but this is fine and will allow the UK to still have one army, one nuclear deterrent, and one policy towards Putin and ISIS, etc. Independence is not the answer as it would weaken the UK, NATO, Europe, and the West and sap their resolve to act as a coherent force in providing peace keeping, mediation, etc. in places like Libya, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine.  All the nice vacation spots.